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How to Transfer Whatsapp


Whatsapp transfer iphone to android BreakFixNow. How to transfer whatsapp messages? Whatsapp transfer to new phone singapore

whatsapp transfer

how to do whatsapp transfer

Partial data gets transferred over
• Nothings gets transferred over even though u followed all the steps
Transfers halfway and hangs
• Original data all lost and no transfer occurs
• Over many years of client contacts and groups not transferred
• iphone and android transfer compatibility issue


1. Call us at 9750 4333
2. Transfer time depends on size and quantity of photos
3. All group messages + whatsapp photos will go over
Come to our Bugis Village main store.

Method 1: WhatsApp Chats Transfer from Android to iPhone Using Email

WhatsApp provides another option for you – email transferring whatsApp chats from Android to iPhone. It sends all of your chat history to your iPhone using this method.

Here’s how to transfer WhatsApp from Android to iPhone using Email:

1. Start your Android device with the WhatsApp.
2. Go to “Settings” and select settings on “Chats.”
3. To get to the chat history screen, tap on the “Chat History” option.
4. You’ll be asked to choose a contact on the following screen whose chat history you want to export.
5. To transfer the entire chat history to an email address, select a contact and then choose Email (or Gmail, if you use that).
6. Open the email account inbox you sent your iPhone chat history to.
7. You’ll be able to view your data on your iPhone with WhatsApp.

how to transfer whatsapp messages
Approach 2: How to transfer whatsApp messages with WhatsApp backup from Android to iPhone

This is the other method you can try to do the Android-to-iPhone whatsApp transfer. Sometimes, this method may fail to back up all the WhatsApp chats, according to feedback from users.

Below are the steps to transfer WhatsApp chats with WhatsApp Backup:

1. Open WhatsApp on your Android phone.
2. Go to Setting, tap on “Chats”.
3. Choose “Chat backup” to backup WhatsApp messages on your Android phone.
4. Uninstall WhatsApp on your Android phone.
5. Install WhatsApp on your iPhone.
6. Open WhatsApp on your iPhone and log in with the same WhatsApp account.
7. After registration, you will be promoted a message that shows that “Message Backup Found”.
8. Click “Restore” to get the WhatsApp chats to your iPhone.
Sometimes not everything gets transferred over, call us for help if this happens

how to backup whatsapp
AUTO backup and retrieve using Verified Number

Yes, first of all when you download the whatsapp on your mobile, they will ask you to write down your number. Make sure to use same to which you had the backup of. In this way, after verification, a message will pop up, restore your data. Select the option and automatic restoration of data will start. However, sometimes there is a problem taking backup, there can be following reasons for that:
• You are not logged into a Google account that is attached with the device in which you were using your previous whatsapp account.
• The phone number you have selected is new and not registered with whatsapp before.
• You do not have enough space in phone to take backups.
• You didn’t take the backup on previous phone so there is no data in backup files.

Android to iPhone Whatsapp Transfer

iPhone to Android Whatsapp Transfer